Friday, March 28, 2025


Over the past two weeks, the theme of Treasure Hunt Tuesday was visual representations of things I am thankful for. Beside the usual blurbs of family, friends, blessings of both the necessary temporal and the warm & fuzzy spiritual kind, I chose to focus on the more mundane items I take for granted and could hardly imagine life without.

Things like Flotsam and Jetsam, indoor plumbing, a speedy internet connection and a desktop to handle everything I throw at it. (I mean that in the most literal sense of the word.) Latex gloves so I don’t have to touch whatever ick the Farmers leave behind, all hair-styling tools that keep my mane from exposing the true depths of my insanity and the nutrition facts table on the box of White Cheddar Cheez-it my hand seems to be stuck in lately. Not exactly helpful in maintaining the girlish figure, but then again guilt goes a long way.

My fluffy-in-all-the-right-places pillow and a tightly made, downy soft bed. Automatic dishwasher, microwave oven, the fridge and of course, the electricity to run it all.

Spike, the orange tabby cat who found me fit for hiring. He’s an unfailing alarm clock and foot warmer in one. No, I’m not a crazy cat lady and I’m not keeping him bagged up in the dark recesses of my closet, although I sometimes consider the possibility.

Sprawled Spike

I’m thankful for cool, foggy days that remind me of home. Days that put most people off and have them clamoring for their half-empty bottle of Prozac. Rain is an old friend of mine and I welcome the visit.

Fog & Trees

I suppose this hunt has been rather weak, but given everything else I’ve had on my plate, it’s the best I got. There are so many things I’m thankful for I couldn’t possibly mention, let alone shoot them, to do this post any justice.

Until next week…


  1. Emma said...

    That picture of Spike made me laugh! The second picture the foggy one looks really cool!It always seems to me like I'm not thankful for alot of things, but once I write them down it blows me away seeing all the things I write down.=)

  2. young family said...

    Sunday we had a speaker talk on this subject. She said she started a gratitude journal and in it she wrote "It is up to me" "Do I want to be a Tigger or an eeyore"
    I have a certain tendency towards one of these guys ;)

    So I have been making my kids say something they were thankful for that day before we say prayer. It has been interesting, calculators, air, beds, food.... it is good to think about and say out loud.

  3. ...for all eternity said...

    OK, I got a big fat F. I really am thankful for a lot of things. As I sad through testimony meeting on Sunday I was feeling really guilty for not participating this week! I ment to I just ...(fill excuse in here)...Luckily I got mine done for this week!