Friday, March 28, 2025

Mess’n With Maddy

As if I don’t have anything else better to do with my time, I took a minute or two… three, quite possibly four or more give or take. Okay, more on the giving than the taking side of things but I try to excuse it all as “learning” and therefore not a complete waste of time that would be better spent scrubbing toilets or searching for that unrecognizable stench wafting down from the Farmers bedrooms. My “education” is much more enjoyable than mommy-maid duties and honestly, I just finished all the wash yesterday.

So here’s a picture of Maddy – Miss Is – straight out of the camera. She wasn’t too excited; she had to go to the bathroom and refused to ‘lift her skirt’ and go pioneer style in all the brush and I equally refused to pack up and go two seconds after reaching our destination. Anyway, there it is.


And then this is me playing with all sorts of fancy buttons and virtual tools. A little more pizzazz!

Maddy lovely e

But there are so many things yet to discover. Like this.

Maddy bw tint

Oh! There’s another one, just sitting there all unused and sad-looking!

Maddy sephia tint

I’m enjoying the ability to take a hum-drum, not-up-to-snuff picture and tweaking it into something worth printing.

Back to writing my RS lesson for Sunday… not nearly as much fun.


  1. young family said...

    Oh ya I have to give a lesson on sunday also, it's a good thing you wrote that :)

    I love learning all your cool stuff, just wish you could send it to me some way, that way I don't have to learn anything :)

    Cute picture!! I can't get over how grown up she is getting.

  2. Connie said...

    Comment today on my blog: Yesssssss, and then there's the CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! And the lollipops........Oooooooh, be still my heart! I may have to resort to a snickers bar today to get that feeling! LOL
    Okay, hying to Kolob......lalalalalaaaaa........

  3. Jackie said...

    Wow, i need to learn how to use photoshop from you! I usually just click around on photoshp until i find something that looks good. Great pictures! maddy is soooo cute!

  4. mandbrid said...

    Super cute Stacey! Sorry about the stale marshmellows...If I'd have known there were mallows in there I would have fed them to the kids a long time ago! ;-) I've still got your white tule around here somewhere too...two years sorry!