Friday, March 28, 2025

Sunday Snow

Our first barely measureable snow of the year. The Farmers ventured outside to play provided that their Sunday clothes were laid out, socks and belts included, so we wouldn’t be frantic getting ready for church.
D.J. went right to making snowballs and Devin happen to be the first with an official throw. Of course a war began and nobody was safe.
DJ Snowball Devin Snowball Throwing 2 DJ & Devin Snowball
Maddy was an angel – at least for a moment.
Maddy Snow Angel Maddy Snow

Don’t let that sweet face fool you, she promptly tossed one at me (“Not when I have the camera!”) and then nailed poor Spike as he cowered at the door.


D.J. came to our defense. “Go get her, Dude!”

Maddy & D.J.
Devin had no loyalties, though he did take it easy on his younger siblings because experience has taught him that Mom and Dad get testy if he rails against either one.

Devin Snowball Throwing
They spent about an hour running around in the snow and when the time came for hot showers, there was no need for me to hassle them. Surprisingly enough, things went smoothly for a Sunday morning.
More snow is expected to fall throughout the week as high temperatures dip into the twenties, setting the perfect mood for a real white Christmas.


  1. Connie said...

    Coulda fooled me with that sweet face, chick! I remember her sleeping in your arms and lap saturday. Angelic!! LOL

  2. young family said...

    Hey we got snow on sunday too!! Unlike you we didn't go to church, too much snow, it was canceled :) I am not sure what will happen to me for typing that smiley face, but I thouroughly enjoyed sunday.

    I sent Jackie, Tayler and Emma out to play because snow is so rare here. Well we just found out we are getting more UUUUUGGGGGGG!

    Maybe we will have three weeks off for Christmas, hhhhhhmmmmmmm. I wonder if we will all make it out alive :)