Friday, March 28, 2025

Hacking All The Way

For the past week leading up to Christmas, I’ve had that *sultry, sexy voice that merrily turned into Bronchitis. To top it off, I “heard the bells” ringing long before Christmas Day thanks to a raging ear infection.

Needless to say, I’ve been M.I.A. - literally down for the count and viewing way too much daytime television that I never want so much as a sniffle ever again. However, it wasn’t a complete wasted time. I learned that if someone wants to sue me on television, there are about 15 different judges of all shapes and sizes, each with their own, stylized authority issues to settle the case and that as a defendant, I can embrace the moronic without hurting my counter-arguments no matter how far removed from the original charges. And if I’m not as fortunate to publicly make a complete arse of myself, I can make five different Greek/Italian/Indian dipping sauces for grilled, skewered meats thanks to P.B.S. Creative Cooking. Then I got to go to Copenhagen and see the sites with Rick Steves and later took a boat ride down the Danube. Learned about Masters DeVinci and Raphael and the restoration of the Last Supper.

If it wasn’t for the fact the David was the bigger mule last Tuesday by dragging my sorry biscuits into the doctors office, I wouldn’t be writing this post let alone being in an upright position with at least one fifth of my “normal” brain functioning power to amuse myself with.

It was, however, a good Christmas. The Farmers were happy and well fed. Hubby’s happy and well fed. Mommy was happy in a drug-induced sort of way and thanks to thoughtful friends, well stocked with homemade chicken noodle soup and fresh baked bread.

Santa remembered what was on the list. Things like…

Maddy Scooter 1 Maddy and her Barbie scooter!
DJ Camera 2 D.J. and his camera.
Devin audio Devin and his stereo/iPod player.
David was surprised to find his G2 and completely shocked at the bargain price I paid for it. Thank-you Woot!
And I…. I was absolutely spoiled. I mean S-P-O-I-L-E-D!!! *Notice the tissue box and the disheveled, right-out-of-bed-and-not-a-stitch-of-make-up-nor-use-of-a-brush and still in my p.j.’s look?
Stacey Box Opening
Stacey Camera
Miss Is got the world wrapped up in a big red bow; Mommy gets to view the world from her palm of hand. A Nikon D60 with two VR lenses. It wasn’t a Cabbage Patch Christmas after all. I would have been doing the happy dance if it wasn’t for the fact that such joyful exuberance would trigger another round of hacking which would’ve led to an even paler, slightly more vampire-ish complexion. So, expect lots of pictures; it’s just what you’ve always wanted.
Merry Christmas!

* Shout-out to Tia!


  1. Connie said...

    A camera?!?!?!? A camera?!?!?!? A cabbage patch doll????? Got it, chick!! LOL Of course, ya know I'm jealous now.......

  2. Jackie said...

    I am also very jealous! lol very cool, now you can be even more creative! lol. I am hoping to save up for that camera!

  3. Jackie said...

    Wow!! You are SPOILED!! But it's ok you totally deserve it!

    I am so sad you have been sick, I totally feel your pain. I am just relieved I didn't give it to you and that you are on the mend. I wish I could have been an awesome friend and helped out in the slightest. Bronchitis stinks, did you get the good cough medicine with codeine? It was my best friend for a little too long :) I'm not hooked though so all is well ;)

    Looks like everyone had a great Christmas, me I was feeling the blues and had too much cabin fever on Christmas so we didn't even take pictures!! I know, soooo shocking :) Feeling better now, the snow is melting!!!!!! I can't wait to get going again!!

    Looking forward to your awesome pictures!!

  4. Jackie said...

    ok obviously that was from me ~Lora~ I didn't know she was signed it :)

  5. ...for all eternity said...

    WOW! I want one too!! I can't wait to see the pictures! I will have to think of a good assignment for this next week to test that beauty out! hmmmmm......