Friday, March 28, 2025

Good-Bye My Little Surfer Dude

I loved D.J.’s long hair, he’s the only one in the family that can pull that look off with moderate success. Blond locks, a golden tan from spending the entire summer in the pool or on the lake and knee length, brightly colored board shorts; quite the man, I must say. But it was time to say so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen and embrace the sharp dressed man I know still lives underneath it all.

DSCF0002 Oh, it was hard to watch those first few passes of the clippers.
DJ Haircut 2 If I tell her to stop now he could still have a pageboy, sort’a. DJ Haircut 3He seems to be happy. DJ Haircut 4
Mom will try to be happy too and not let him hear my stifled sobs of mourning.
DJ Haircut 5
Oh. I guess he heard.DJ Haircut 7

*shot with FugiFilm FinePix S700


  1. Connie said...

    Do they "rent out" for shower renos and I liked their hair cuts sunday, chick!! They looked adorable. Also "D" looked gorgeous and truly younger.......
    Oooooh, and the captcha is: chicsfoo if you can believe that!! Hah......

  2. young family said...

    You know he is cute no matter what :)

    I am kind of glad I wasn't doing the cutting all the flashing from the paparazi might have made me boo boo :)

  3. Stacey said...

    Oh, there was no flash. Otherwise I couldn't take pictures of the reflection showing the front. But yeah, I wasn't going to even try to cut his mop. All the boys got haircuts and they look sharp.
