Saturday, March 22, 2025

Happy New Year, 2009!


We celebrated the New Year with lots of good food and better friends. The P’s and the E’s joined us for an evening of games; an Indian game called Raj where you bid on positive and negative point tiles to win points. Spastic Uno, our own version of Super Uno with gestures for blue sky, yellow fever, red heart and green grass. If you’re not careful you could poke your eye out or get a finger up the nose. Next was a old game called Frenzy, I remember playing it for hours as a kid while camping at Kalaloch. It’s like a twist between Scrabble and Spoons.

The kids (big ones included) launched poppers at midnight, those who were still awake enough to do so, and couples shared a smooch or two. Too bad I couldn’t capture the moment clearly…

All partied out, Dave and I finally crashed around one-thirty. We’re so old.

New Year Waffles a

Traditionally, we start the New Year off right with loaded waffles. Pie fillings of your choice, vanilla icecream, whip cream, powdered sugar and lots of butter! It’s the one morning a year that eating dessert for breakfast is acceptable. New Year Waffles

Oh!! Melting Breyer’s French Vanilla Bean against the warmth of the crispy waffles. Sweet, yet tart pie cherries and whipping cream to meld it all together. My blossoming biscuits rejoice!

New Year Waffles 2

The boys, for some unknown reason, won’t eat the fruit. Instead, they squeeze on at least half the bottle syrup, careful to make sure that each divot contains something sweet. I can’t complain too much since they got a clean bill of health from the dentist earlier this week. Miss Is on the other hand…

Lunch? That is lunch. It’s been a great New Year so far!

What are some of your New Year traditions?


  1. ...for all eternity said...

    Looks like you had a great party! I had a great opportunity today at Chuck E. Cheese's with all the arcades, lights are bright colors to fulfill this weeks theme but I pulled the camera bag out when we got there and it was empty! No camera, it's sitting on top of our TV at home!! There goes my plan. Remember the theme is left up to the artist to interpret how you choose, nothings wrong.
    My camera, OK here it goes (so emabarassing)it's just a little point and shoot Sony 8.1 mp Cybershot DSC-W100. Someday I'll get an SLR when my hubby is done with school! It's all in the editing too. I have Photoshop Elements (which I don't really know how to use other than Quick fix!) and I use an online (free) site I hope that answers your question!

  2. young family said...

    I don't have New Years traditions, unless play games, eat lots of junk and watch movies is a tradition :)

    I like your waffle tradition, sounds soooo yummy, I might have to give it a go sometime ;)

    Sounds like you guys had a blast!! We just went to the Woodwards (not sure if you knew them or not) last night and played games, the best game for us was the Great Dalmoti, we had lots of fun playing that game.

    Well I need to run, I have the lesson again this week and I am making birthday gifts for the YW, so I need to get busy, its off to beading I go :)