Saturday, March 22, 2025


Fine Arts.

a. of or pertaining to the formal aspect of art, emphasizing lines, colors, generalized or geometrical forms, etc., esp. with reference to their relationship to one another. (*

I had to look it up. Yes of course, I know what it means… I just needed a little more ‘inspiration’ to wrap my noggin around it. Abstract and I have always had a love-hate relationship. The less abstract it is, the more I like it which if I really think about why I like it, my reasons tally on the side of abstract. How’s that for an abstract train of thought! Maybe I just don't really know what it means, which is more likely the case than not. I'm confused. lol Treasure Hunt Tuesday’s theme; Abstract.

I really wished that I had more time to play around with my camera this week. Tossing your cookies for 2 days and not only knowing, but able to safely – in a very timely manner – find a porcelain throne when you need it takes the fun out of my snap-happy attitude. For better or worse…


That’s about as abstract as I get. The rest is, well…. just the rest.

sunglasses 6

abstract sunglasses 6

wheat grass 1

abstract wheat grass 1 copy cattailsjpg

abstract cattailsjpg copyReed Grass 5

Abstract Reed Grass 5

Reed Grass 1

Abstract Reed Grass 1 copyAbstract snow

Pix Abstract snowDSC_0020

Ice 3

Abstract Ice 3 copy

Ice 5

Abstract Ice 5 copy Ice 1

Abstract Ice 1 copy


  1. mandbrid said...

    COOL. My favorite is the gray cardboard/filter looking thing. Can't wait to see more!

  2. Broncop3t3 said...

    Whilest I was looking at the wonderful abstract images I noticed that my ears were tickled with the abstract-like sounds of radiohead. A great compliment to the images.

  3. young family said...

    I love them all, you do great work even sick:0)

    Wish you were feeling better so that you could enjoy your photography more.