Monday, March 24, 2025

Merry-Madness Monday

After two and a half weeks of hubby being home and two weeks of full on mommy-hood, everything is back to ‘normal’. School is in session and a white-knuckle, two hour commute through the snow, David is at work.

Despite having a cold that morphed into an ear infection and Bronchitis the first week and rounding out the last couple of days with a stomach/intestinal bug it was a great stay-home vacation. The Farmers were kept on loose schedules and the cleaning fairy got a little more respect. Thank you very much. I never realized what all I get done during my usual daily routine until the routine went away. Blogging? It’s obvious that more than posts have been neglected, you just don’t get to see the rest of it.

David was helpful from the get-go. While I was at a meeting before church, he cleaned up the breakfast mess, including the loading and starting of the dishwasher. Bless his heart for trying. When we came home from church, I found a pile of towels below the dishwasher only to open it up and find this. I was a little cruel in showing all our friends when they arrived for dinner; I couldn’t help myself. It was obvious that this was the first time in our 13 year marriage that he tried to accomplish such a task. I suppose you have to start somewhere, right?

Dishwasher 1

Lesson learned and my help continued. On the 31st we started the staircase project: Wainscoting. He bought me a new toy to help, a pneumatic brad nailer and a small compressor. A pawnshop find I'm actually excited about. Power tools, what can I say? I get a little buzz each time I pull the trigger and the job was 100 times easier than hammering and using a nail set, which is how I did the entryway and can attest to just how big of a pain in the rear it was.

Staircase 4

Staircase 5

Staircase 7

I really appreciated his help. We’re far from being done though. Need to miter all the chair railing and shoe trim for the bottom. Not to mention all that filling, sanding, priming and painting I have to look forward to. My goal is to be done with all my projects by mid-March. Wish me luck. Oh, FYI the wainscoting is going Bear Rug (Behr, a deep fudgy-chocolate brown) and Twilight (Benjamin Moore, muted gold) on the walls.

Seeing all that unused and mish-mashed bits of wainscoting, I started yet another project. Well, projects is more like it. More on that later. I just need to finish them up today so I won’t have to scrape the snow and ice off the Yukon at 7:15 in the morning.

Yeah, everything is back to normal. Hallelujah!!


  1. The Gooch Family said...

    He really put dish soap in the dishwasher!?!?!? At least he was trying. And the staircase looks great! Can't wait to see the finished project!

  2. young family said...

    Seriously the first time in 13 years!!! Wow, woman I need some of your patience :)

    So are you changing the wall color from what it is in the picture? The wainscoting looks very nice, I can't believe you have been doing it all by hand, uuuummmmm I really need to steal some of your patience :)

    I was just talking to Angee, like two seconds ago, She says Hi and that she will comment sometime when she gets this whole thing figured out. I told her she needs to start a blog, we shall see :)

    Hopefully this snow will go away and stop trying to make us all work harder, glad Dave made it to work ok.

    Hope you are having fun with your new toys!!

  3. Connie said...

    Looking great, chickee!! Much easier to do than passing kidney stones for a week........*Sigh*..........

  4. TammyP said...

    So how was your first day back to normal?? Tell me the truth, you missed your hubby, didn't you??? I'll let you know when I need your assistance in my kitchen...