Lessons in What Not to Do: Sydney
Lighting and lens. That’s what I learned this time out. Better lighting. The need for reflective lighting. You know, those shiny white, flimsy fabric things… I needed one in a major way.
For the most part, all shots were indoors near either a window or a sliding glass door and many shots suffered from burnout (too bright of white/light) or were lost to the grainy, noisy shadows. Something reflective light would have take care of if I was smart enough to have one going in. Bet you can't guess what's on my shopping list?
As far as the lenses go, I think I need a wide angle to get a broader angle (duh, Stace) of the shots with limited space to work. Honestly, I was jammed up against the ceiling, lying on the floor or smashed up against the wall just to get enough distance no matter which lens I had on. You can only have so many eyeball and nose hair shots.
This was the harder of the three to do and the lack of quality shows, luckily I was able to salvage a few pictures just a tick below mediocre. Better days ahead, right? Instead of having a long, never ending display of photos to scroll through, I put together a brief slideshow. Music is by G. Faure, Pava Op. 50. Note: The video quality is really bad. I promise the actual pictures are much, much better.
What they really look like...

January 29, 2009 at 3:36 PM
So where are the photos, chickee??? Huh???!!
January 29, 2009 at 4:02 PM
They look great Stacey! Can we come over next??? You really do a good job and here you are just starting out... way to go!
January 30, 2009 at 7:23 AM
You are too hard on yourself! Only to a gifted eye would someone fine faults with these! So CUTE!!!
February 2, 2009 at 6:04 PM
I love these! Your list sounds like mine. I look all the time on ebay for the reflectors, lighting gismo's I don't know how to use and backdrops that I hope to some day own.
I know you can find lens packages online that come with wide angle lens and other fun stuff, not sure on the price though.
Hope your grumper-guss has a better day!