Saturday, March 22, 2025

What Can I Say, We’re Nerds

In some super-duper secret government plan, the offspring of Steve Austin and Jaime Sommers ( a.k.a. The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman) have been living incognito as my Farmers. Each one must have been switched at birth. It explains Miss Is’ sandy blond locks and the boys’ penchant for flying and other reckless, maternal grey-hair producing activities. Thanks to our newly installed hidden camera, we know what goes on when Devin is ‘tending’ his little brother and sister.



  1. Connie said...

    Okay, how in the world did ya get th' Farmers to do that one, chickee?!?!?! Cute.........

  2. mandbrid said...


  3. young family said...

    Not Nerds, cool awesome parents!

    I'm sure my kids would love to live with you. When should I send them ;)

    Love it!

  4. ...for all eternity said...

    Wow, I'm so glad you caught what "really" goes on! LOL