Game, Set, Match!
Late this afternoon, around four o'clock, I received a call from Devin, "Mom, I have a tennis game today. It'll go till six or so." Oh, nice to know in advance, Dev. I threw a bunch of Capri Suns and a handful of cookies in a sack, grabbed the D.S.'s to keep the younger Farmers happy and scooted out the door; no make-up, wild hair and all. We got a good parking spot right in front of the courts. There are no bleachers for spectators so I was happy to stay warm and enjoy what comfort Ford provides in their basic Focus models between matches.
He wasn't sporting his red shorts or white t-shirt like the rest of his team (with the exception of two others) but Devin was allowed to play nonetheless. Him and his partner, Tyler won their first match and by a slim margin lost the second despite some great volleys.
Only the first of the season...
April 8, 2008 at 8:48 AM
So you bought a Ford? That is perfect for a run around car.
I love the pictures. I have never played Tennis, but it looks like fun. Tayler says he likes to play tennis, who knew? Keep up the good work Devin.