Something New to Do

As if I didn't have enough to do or hobbies to keep up with, I've discoved the brave new world of digital scrapbooking. I have always known about it, however, I lumped it all together with scrapbooking which I've sworn off for various reasons of which you don't want to know and if I happen to get up on my soap box I just might not get off and NOBODY wants that.

In need of a crafty, eye-catching sign for an Enrichment activity I went to Michaels and spent an hour and $11 bucks on a few pieces of paper that I hoped I can make something decent looking... Wishful thinking for sure.

Next stop was BestBuy, I had a brain-blast (thank-you Jimmy Neutron) and bought a scrapbooking program (real, real cheap)and thought that I could skip the paper and go digital. Got home, loaded the software and then proceeded to spend another hour turning the room a nice Mormon blue. Cheap software that was probably written in 1988 for a Commador 64 or at least thought 'vintage' graphics were cool. Nix that idea and revert back to paper. Should've know better!

And as usual, in the middle of the night, the brillant idea of googling digital paper came to mind and just as usual, I spent the next few hours thinking about all the possibilites. So I googled, I downloaded, I read tutoritals, downloaded some more, and I did... Kinda.

The above would be my first attempt. I haven't decided if I like it per say but I do like the no mess clean-up. Simply turn it off and voila! I'm just glad that I have a pretty good working knowledge of Photoshop or things might not have gone so smoothly. On to the sign!

Sites I liked:
Atomic Cupcake
Free Digital Scrapbooking
Shabby Princess


  1. young family said...

    I had no idea you liked that. My sister does this too and some of the sites she has used are and

    The desertspor one is my sister-in-laws brothers site (does that make sense?)

    I agree with you it is alot nicer to clean up this way and then you are done.

    One thing I am addicted to is blog surfing, I go to someones blog and then go to some one on their list and so on, until I find a blog I like. Crazy huh, but I find it kind of relaxing. That is how I found thepioneerwomancooks. So instead of cleaning or doing something worthwhile I am surfing blogs, ignoring my family and being insane :)