Sunday, March 30, 2025

How To Save A Life

Today I will be volunteering my time with the Red Cross and donating a few drops of precious red as well. Anything for a cookie!

UPDATE: Snow storm put a damper on the blood drive. Most people stayed home except for yours truly. I was release from my duties and headed home early to do other fun things, like shovel the drive.


  1. young family said...

    Wow, did you miss me?? Did you miss watching that little tiny lady wheel me to the side so I could sit there waiting to be a normal person :) I need to tell you I have given blood twice since then and I didn't get woozy, they just have to tilt me back a little while I am giving blood.

    Don't you just love how I turned your blog into something all about me :)

    Good job on donating blood and your time.

    Are you going to have to get a snow blower? We have had snow three days in a row here, it has been a crazy winter.

  2. young family said...

    Oh I forgot to tell you I love your new header. Very cute!!