Monday, March 17, 2025

Smashingly Sweet



Okay, as if I didn’t have enough going on and all – a trip to Kalaloch, Utah, fun photo sessions with oodles of lovely pictures to edit, I snuck a peek on Craigslist.  And just so you know, I did sell Miss Is’ Power Wheels yesterday so it wasn’t all for treasure hunting, but I happened upon something I knew I would regret if I didn’t at least try to lay my hands on it.


Be prepared, this would be the smashingly portion of this post.






A bloody mess or at least it was,  I smashed the Sam-Billy, H-E-Double hockey sticks out of my thumb just after successfully laying my hands on the loot.  It’s still numb in between the throbs two hours later.  I didn’t swear and only a few crocodile-sized tears fell, but it was worth it. 




This would be the “sweet” part.  A free, old couch perfect for photos.  I can see it now…  Mom and Dad snuggled up on one end and their kids, eyes-rolled complete with mish-mashed faces in utter disgust on the other up against a rustic brick, Old-Town background  - maybe even some modest graffiti (not that I’m condoning it.)  Or placed out in a wheat field underneath brilliant blue-speckled skies.  Or amid a line of fire maples in their autumn glory.  Or smack-dab in the middle of a grove of river birch or aspens.  Or….     So many useful places, so many fun “poses”, so many families/couples to shoot!


Since I’ve scarred you all and will not be posting anything for the next week and a half due to a much needed vacation, I thought I’d share something not so gross and very sweet.   




Trees 16



A Jenna 25 j


Jenna 149 copy


  1. Stacey said...

    Oh Stacey I am so sorry about your finger. LOVELY!
    However, that couch is the bomb!! I saw that on craigslist too. It is a bit of a treasure.
    I love the baby to be pics. You really have a great eye.
    BTW I might be having our pics on that couch. AWESOME

  2. mandbrid said...

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that sofa!!! Your thumb looks terrible though...Hope it's feeling better.

  3. Willie E. said...

    Ouch on that thumb....both thumbs up (good and not smashed!) on the pics! That little guy holding the flower is a handsome little fella!

  4. Connie said...

    Since I took the skin off my thumb also while trying to shoot a gun I can definitely understand how it feels, honey! See ya when ya get back. The hurt doesn't stop for a looooong time, trust me.

    Ooooh, the couch is stupendous also. I wish I'd found it but then I'd have to kill Jack........


  5. Barney Family Blog said...

    Oh we so need to live near you. I really need our family picstaken by you on that couch in the wheat field!!

  6. The Gooch Family said...

    So sorry about the thumb. Looks like it killed!

    I'm wondering if the couch is coming to Utah with you so we can get a family photo on it...:) just kidding but what a great find!

    We look forward to having you here next weekend! Have fun at Kalaloch!

  7. young family said...

    So the smashed thumb came from hefting the huge couch onto a trailer or from shooting a gun? Either way OUCH!!

    I too would love a family photo. Hhhmmmm how to work that into your crazy schedule and mine? It sounds fun written out though ;)

    I sooooo need to call you. Maybe this week.

  8. nevertheless said...

    I think your thumb picture hurt me for you more than it probably hurt you. OUCH!!

    I love the idea of the couch in a field of wheat. Do you think a farmer would mind sacrificing a small section for us to crush? Oooh or maybe in a green area with old fencing under a great tree - a weeping willow...