Monday, March 17, 2025

Good, Clean Fun.



Saturday’s Project in Pictures…  Enjoy.


Dig Dig Dig







Devin Disaster



Daniel Disfigured


Rabbit Hole



Very Very Muddy



The Work


The Drain


Filthy Farmers


Hose Down


Kind of Clean




  1. The Gooch Family said...

    Hole - y Cow! Do I dare ask what the drain is for???

    But honestly - they look like they were having a fabulous time!

  2. Willie E. said...

    I especially like the one of the "Supervisor" there against the trampoline with arms folded...nice touch! No wonder your ground doesn't drain, it looks like clay!

  3. Anonymous said...

    Of course I am the supervisor! why have kids if its not to lower them down a dark hole with a cup to dig with?

    We probably should have put some top soil down before we laid sod, because your right Willie its rock hard clay.

    I think I am going to try your idea of putting some sand down over the grass.


  4. Connie said...

    Is that what you do for draining a certain spot, sugar?!?! I didn't know you could do that. I'll tell/ask Jack if he wants to try it.

  5. Stacey said...

    I must say that my favorite is Dave picking the kids out of or lowering them into the hole. Fabulous!! You guys get to have so much fun!

  6. nevertheless said...

    I totally agree with Willie E! I enjoyed the slave master pic. We could use a slave master over here to finish up some of our projects...