Monday, March 17, 2025

Prep’n the Patio




Once a young Farmer myself, I remember one of our summertime chores - besides scrapping moss off the rooftop shingles with a putty knife which there is not way in Hades will my children be doing - was pressuring washing the algae-clad patio.  “Grandma and Grandpa M have a lot of patio,”  I told my hydro-help.  I could tell he wasn’t listening to me as I delved further down the snowy road of  ‘when I was a kid’ lectures. 


“You’re Grandma’s feet would get so sunburned.  Your aunts and I would write things in the cement and we would spray each other with the water jet.  It would hurt if you accidently got your feet, stings really bad….”


Today’s adventure was in preparation for a Father’s Day BBQ we’re hosting Sunday afternoon.  Devin fixed the grill and put together paper lanterns.  D.J. and I swept what the fall and winter winds had blown in and washed the whole thing down.   Little instruction was needed; he was a natural.


DJ Patio

Breaking up stuck-on, dried up dirt clods,  maneuvering the mud flow around the BBQ and the flower pots.  It was wonderful.  Not a single compliant.  And then I saw this and realized why he was such a “natural”.   


DJ Patio 2


  1. Anonymous said...

    I love it when stuff gets done while I am at work!


  2. Emma said...

    That is really funny! He definitely is a "natural"!=)I about laughed my head off once I realized what you were talking about!=)

  3. Connie said...


    Quite talkin' to your wife like that, bubba!

    Hah, yep, he is a "natural" man! LOL


  4. The Gooch Family said...


    Looks fantastic though. We're hosting a Father's Day bbq as well but my patio has seen so much rain the past few weeks I'm not so sure I'm going to need to spray it off.

  5. mandbrid said...

    Too, too funny!

  6. young family said...

    Too funny, I got a good laugh too!

    I'm glad you got your flowers figured out, next time just ask me ;) No offense to the hubby ;)
    Hope you have a fun Father's Day BBQ!!

  7. The Wright's said...

    That is hilarious!!

  8. Stacey said...

    Stacey you are so stinkin funny. I love it!!!!