Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday Morning Flowers


Garden Flowers


These were taken this morning in the backyard.  It was raining and everything was fresh and colorful.  I know what each plant is, except for the

bottom right.  I have no clue and I know I didn’t plant it.  Can you shed some light here and tell me what it is?




Mystery Flower 1



The stalks behind it are my Daylilies.  It has a fairly skinny stalk, a tubular blossom like Foxglove and turns out at the ends like Snapdragon… but it isn’t.

It’s lovely and I certainly don’t mind the intrusion, I just want to know what it is exactly and I’m coming up empty handed.  Any thoughts?


  1. Connie said...

    Don't know, but it's pretty, sweets. Did I reeeeeeally get your seal of approval from the lesson yesterday?!?! Hmmmmmm????? LOL

  2. Anonymous said...

    They are HollyHocks!
    Typical, she doesnt ask her husband! :)


  3. The Gooch Family said...

    I was going with Hollyhocks as well. They look beautiful!

  4. young family said...

    I think it looks like a snapdragon? Is it taller than a foot to a foot and a half? Well that is my vote ;)

    Beautiful flowers!! I love how the rain makes everything look.

  5. young family said...

    I just read all the way to the bottom. Ummm are you sure it's not a snapdragon? Oh well that is all my advice. When you figure it out, let us all know.

  6. Anonymous said...

    Time for some humble pie. I should have looked at the leaf. they are Snap Dragons.

    Thats why she doesnt ask her husband :)

  7. Stacey said...

    Bottom right??? Those look like snapdragons!! Definately not hollyhocks. Those are a totally different blossom.