Monday, March 17, 2025

In the Background


Maddy 8 M




This morning we ran Devin in to Boise to pick up his new video game from my boyfriend, Craig.  He’s been drooling over Halo Wars for months now and as of yesterday, barring a few more chores, earned enough to purchase a used copy for the Xbox 360.  Eight sausage biscuits later, the exchange went rather well in the parking lot of Micky D’s. 


So here we are in Boise on a rainy Saturday with no other place to go in town, that is until I had a brilliant idea.  The fabric store. THE FABRIC STORE!  It’s been a few months since I fed my fabric addiction and thought I’d drag the rest of the Farmers (Dad included) to one of my adulthood Disneyland haunts.  I still don’t have curtains up in my office, surely that was an important enough of reason to go.


Hanging from the storefront was a big, yellow and black vinyl banner that read, Store Closing.  What the heck!!!  No way…  I was crushed.   Once I read the sign over again in disbelief, it said that another store had closed and they had all their fabric.  Whew!  I can still feed my need.  Anyway, this particular fabric store had their cotton prints/solids on sale for $3.00 a yard this weekend only.  Such news requires a handful of tissues to wipe the drool from off my face.  My man-slave, a.k.a. Hubby, carried the rolls as I wandered through the aisles.  There was too much to choose from – too many possibilities that I was drowning in ideas.  I kept it under control and limited myself to only five.  I find that I’m struggling with the idea of venturing back as I write this post; hundreds of yards of half-priced fabric tell me yes, but my photog bank account says no. 


Now to improve upon the situation, I have to relate to you the real savings.  Regular price was $5.99 a yard.  Not bad and I was ready to pay it.  The rusty damask was actually mismarked, but the sales lady let me have it for the $3.00 yrd price.  Each fabric swatch is 54” wide by 9’ long.  All together I spent $47.00 and change.    Here’s where the kicker comes in.  At “tready” photography supply stores, fancy-pant backdrops just like what I bought in the 4 1/2 ‘ x 9’ size run anywhere between $90-$120 without shipping.  You do the math!  $500.00 or just shy of $50.  






The white chain on the green background is really neat, I bought it specifically for Christmas/Spring shots.  And who can say no to a very pretty celadon green and chocolate?  Obviously I couldn’t.  The pineapple-like motif of the green and white floral is quirky.  I reminds me of vintage 1960’s wallpaper.   Damask in rust and gold; the picture doesn’t do it justice.  Last, but not the least, a blue and chocolate damask.  I can’t wait to play around with these.  Any takers?  Of course, Miss Is was ready for a very impromptu shoot – very impromptu – as in less than ten minutes from walking in the door.   I flipped the blue damask over the old radio in the great room, weighted down by a dried floral arrangement and I dare say, my statuette of the Holy Family and snapped away.  Miss Is went into model-mode and worked it.  As you can see from the upper-right hand shot, she’s all that.  We’re so professional…  NOT!!!


Maddy Collage

(All of Maddy’s shots are proudly SOOC with nothing but window light!  I’m getting better, albeit slowly.)


  1. ...for all eternity said...

    VERY NEAT! I love them!! I can't wait to see more photos!!!
    No, I didn't get a new camera, my good friend/neighbor let me borrow her Canon point-n-shoot for the night!!
    I actually did feel bad for Y the 1st 2 times he got up to bat until the very suprisingly articulate drunk man shouted "YOU" behind me!

  2. young family said...

    I really NEED to go to this fabric store with you someday ;) I love all the fabric and I love the impromptu photo shoot.

    Didn't ya just get a kick out of Tayler's new hair cut, I totally wanted to kill George but the damage had already been done before I realized what was going on. Poor Tayler hopefully he will be able to live it down. It was the Pirate song, you are good, it took me sometime to recognize it too.

    I look forward to more of your photography, it is all wonderful. I will have to give you a call one of these days. Your kids are all out of school now aren't they?

  3. The Gooch Family said...

    Look how blue her eyes are~! Holy cow! Fantastic buy at the fabric store. I love a great deal!