Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Kalaloch Kaleidoscope



We’re back.  The car has been unloaded, the laundry is being washed and I have a mountain of pictures I’m eager to sift through.  Covering Kalaloch and our time there would coalesce into a badly written, poorly shot, coffee-table sized graphic novel minus the damsel and tights.  So I don’t bore you all with lengthy details and a zillion of-kilter shots of the Farmers,  I’ll break it up into loosely relevant ‘chapters’.  The first of which covers one of the reasons why I love Kalaloch so much.  



 A Kalaloch 4

Nikon D60 85mm f/5.6   1/4000”   ISO 400


This was taken the evening we arrived.  David, my dad and I were walking to the lodge to confirm the I, the holder of the reservation, was truly there.  The Sitka spruce trees that line the bluff are beautiful despite their twisted, wind ravaged appearance.


A Kalaloch 8

Nikon D60  34mm  f/4.0   1/13”   ISO  400


On the way back from the lodge, the sun was peeking through the wood just before our campsite.  I think there might be dragons.


A Kalaloch 1

Nikon D60 24mm f/5.0    1/1250”  ISO 400


A Kalaloch 145

Nikon D60  70mm  1/3200”  ISO 800



 A Kalaloch 10

Nikon D60  85mm  f/10  1/250”  ISO 200


A Kalaloch 144 

Nikon D60  270mm  f/5.6   1/1250”  ISO 800


A Kalaloch 11

Nikon D60  85mm  f/8  1/125”  ISO 200


A Kalaloch 140 

Nikon D60  300mm  f/5.6  1/4000”  ISO 100


A Kalaloch 151

Nikon D60  70mm  f/5.6  1/10”  ISO 800


Same evening.   It was pretty dark when I took this and thought it was a great opportunity to play with slow shutter speeds.


A Kalaloch 146 J

Nikon D60  300mm  f/5.6  1/80”  ISO 800  Cropped 100%


Full of firsts, I thought I’d shoot for the moon.


A Kalaloch 162

Nikon D60  40mm  f/4.0  30”   ISO 800


An experiment.  This is a shot of the moon setting.  I used my tripod, remote, 8 pt. light filter and shutter speed of 30 seconds. 

Don’t break out the Windex, there’s no need, the white blob to the right of the moon is a star.


A Kalaloch 13

Nikon D60  135mm  f/4.5  1/200  ISO 200


The wooded drive in from the highway.  I love the column of light breaking through the trees.



A Kalaloch 83

Nikon D60  85mm  f/9.0  1/200”  ISO  100


“My little buttercup, has the sweetest smile.  My little buttercup, could you stay for awhile….”



A Kalaloch 81 Nikon D60  65mm  f/10.0  1/250”  ISO 140


Midway up the bluff.  A veritable gauntlet of buzzing bumblebees to get to the beach from our campsite. 

I wouldn’t have thought that dandelions would be so dangerously beautiful, but the destination is worth the stinging risk.



A Kalaloch 73 Nikon D60  24mm  f/10.0  1/250”  ISO  160


View from the beach looking towards our campsite. 


A Kalaloch 38

Nikon D60  85mm  f/10.0  1/250”  ISO  140


A Kalaloch 43

Nikon D60  85mm  f/8.0  1/160”  ISO  100


There is an outcropping of rocks to the right that are only accessible during really low tides. 

The seagull and the starfish; it sounds like it should be a children’s book title. 


 A Kalaloch 47

Nikon D60  85mm  f/8.0  1/320”  ISO 100


Snail shells on the beach.


A Kalaloch 56

Nikon D60  85mm  f/8.0  1/250”  ISO 100


Feeling a little crabby?  David found this little guy on the beach during our tide pool walk. 

We washed him off, flopped some kelp down and waited for the next wave to make it in. 

I was more than a little nervous of being caught off guard and getting my camera wet, but it all worked out in the end and am so excited to have this. 

David got a “shot” of his own, my biscuits in the air for the world to see as I hunkered down in the sand. 

I will not be posting that award-winner or I will be more than just a little crabby.


A Kalaloch 179

Nikon D60  30mm  f/10.0  1/250”  ISO 125


Ruby beach, a few miles north – and looking north – of Kalaloch.


A Ruby Beach Panorama

Nikon D60  62mm  f/4.5  1/1600”  ISO  100


Another experiment;  Panorama without a tripod. I flubbed it a bit – a lot actually – but overall it’s not too horrible for my first try.  Ruby beach looking southwest. 

That’s Destruction Island on the right.  The lighthouse has since been decommissioned, but when I was a kid it was running. 

We would see if we could hold our breath as long as it took the light to spin back around.  I don’t ever remember making it.


 A Kalaloch 243

Nikon D60  24mm  f/6.3  1/60”  ISO 200


Looking up through the maples in the Hoh Rainforest.


A Kalaloch 242

Nikon D60  85mm  f/10.0  1/250”  ISO  200  Cropped 100%


A Kalaloch 235

Nikon D60  24mm  f/5.0  1/60”  ISO  200


I guess I have a thing for beams of light.  This one was taken on the Hoh river trail.



Just a few of many, many pictures.


  1. Connie said...

    Very, very, verrrrry impressive, chick! And all I've been doing is have Craig paint the rest of the house......squeeeeeeeeal!!!!!!!

  2. Jackie said...

    i really like all of the pictures! You are sooo creative! what lense do you have? Or did you use multiple?

  3. Broncop3t3 said...

    Looks like you guys had a good time. Very beautiful place... Amazing pictures. You always do great work.

  4. Willie E. said...

    Dang, that is a nice place to have a vacation. It's nice to see some pics of this place you keep telling us about. Excellent photos! Keep them coming!

  5. The Wright's said...

    Wow Stacey!! Beautiful!!

  6. Stacey said...

    these are totally awesome Stacey. My favorite is the one with the sun coming through the spruce trees. That is gorgeous.

  7. The Gooch Family said...

    Wow!!!! Makes me all the more excited to go next year!

    Thanks again for coming to Cinderella's special day! Especailly after the long Kalaloch trip. We really enjoyed having you here!

  8. mandbrid said...

    WOW. First of all - I have got to go to Kalaloch...wherever it is. Second - the pictures are fabulous! I was super impressed by both moon pictures. WOW.

  9. young family said...

    As always when you do something it is impressive. LOVE the photo's. I will have to see about going there someday ;)