Sunday, March 30, 2025

August – A Narrative: Forever Young



Tuesday, August 11-12th: 


I had the utmost pleasure in tidying up the house to play Bed & Breakfast to my best friend from Oregon, Lora as her and her kiddoes, minus the eldest, made their way back from Utah.  The day they came happened to be Tayler’s fourteenth birthday and Devin was excited to share it with him.  (I’m sorry Tayler that you had to spend it with us! lol)  In his honor, I made a vanilla-strawberry cake with Strawberry and chocolate ice cream on the side.  (Thank you Duncan Hines and Dryers.)


It was good to see and visit again, though I still think that we need a girls weekend retreat to really get caught up! 


family_photo_1Photo props to our mutual friend and photographer, Quillan Kasl.


  1. Lora said...

    I loved coming to visit you, and we all had a good time. You are the best!

    I agree! Tell me a time and a place and i will be there :)

    I have been looking at wedding dresses ;)