Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Labor of Fruits




Kids Digging Maddy Showoff a

At least some of us work it when working.  Miss Is has her Digging Diva on, sequined pants and all.



Last week we picked up a couple of grafted fruit trees at Costco and yesterday it was finally warm enough to plant them. 

It was a family affair; the Farmers dug, Dad supervised the complex operation and Mom documented the activity for future generations.


Devin Digging 2 a

Devin dug a hole by himself, Miss Is and D.J. (with a head start given by yours truly) dug the second. 


Shovels in hole a

Careful, there’s a sprinkler pipe in there!


Boys and Soil

The boys man-handled the ‘enriched planting compost’ soil.



Look! I’m multi-tasking.  Taking a picture and holding a tree with one hand.


Maddy Planting

Maddy makes sure it won’t fall over.


Twig Tree

Wow.  What a tree.  (Dripping with all the sarcasm I can muster.)

This one’s cherry, the other is a combo of Fugi, Honeycrisp, and Gala apples. 

Hopefully we’ll enjoy the fruits of our labor, in the past we’ve always moved before anything actually produced.  Here’s to breaking tradition.


Crouching Tiger


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? 

Our delusional cat, Spike, thought that he could catch another bird at the feeder. 

Instead he dug himself a giant hole of disappointment.


  1. Broncop3t3 said...

    Spring time is here! What a great way to enjoy the sunny weather. I hope it is here to stay.

  2. young family said...

    As much as I would like to say that I hope you get to stay there long enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor, I am so selfish that I hope you don't. I want you to move back here ;) Ok I will quit with the selfishness, I hope your fruit is yummy and that I get to taste some of it (is that selfish too?)

    Cute pictures!!

  3. The Gooch Family said...

    Miss Is is darling holding that shovel! I am so ready for spring!