Tuesday, March 18, 2025

And The Winner Is…




Two weeks ago we got glammed-up and attended our wards Emmy Night. The movie categories were:  Educational, Spiritual & Uplifting, and Entertainment as long as it fell into the standard guidelines.  Being the nerds that we are, we entered into the running.


Being an even bigger nerd, I rounded up a bunch of girls and went thrift store shopping for formals.  This is after all, a red carpet affair. 

The last time I slipped into a formal was for B.Y.U.’s Homecoming, October 1994 at the UT capital building.  A cranberry velvet, floor-length sheath dress with a side slit almost up to you know where.  (It really wasn’t that bad…honestly, a little above the knee is all.) 

We were hot chicks and the paparazzi went wild.


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There were a lot of very good entries, I know because we helped with the editing process on a few.  When the lights went dim and the projector lit up, it was show-time and Bellum Maximus started us off.  I was so nervous; I look like a dork.  Dave was so nervous; he pretended to really be a dork.  The Farmers, they just thought it was cool to see themselves on the big-big screen, although there was a scene Devin wanted deleted in the worst way.  Can you guess which one it is?


THE WRIGHTS copy The Girls copy

*photos by A.M.


Our intro before the film thus follows:  <em>(Channel that deep, sultry announcer voice I know you have.)</em>


<blockquote>From the film company Smooch-a-Pooch Productions, winner of prestigious independent film awards such as "Down the Drain:  The Golden P-Trap" and "A Moldy from the Lost in the Back of the Fridge Festival" bring you the highly anticipated, throw-out movie of the year, Bellum Maximus.  Or in very loose, Google-translated Latin, The Greatest War.


The following presentation is a dramatization of actual events as portrayed by highly skilled and completely broke actors.  Any similarities to a particular family are by in part and wholly coincidental.


Parental Guidance is suggested.</blockquote>




There were nine movies in all, including a blast from the past home movie ten years prior.  It took a second to figure out what family it was and sweet to see them as young kiddos.  After the final film, time was given to our esteemed judges.  Categories included; Best Actress, Best Actor and Best Picture. 


Judges copy *photo by A.M.


Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for.  The Oscars!  Best Actress:  Hannah E. for Channel 6 E-News.   Best Actor:  Casey W. for his work in Too Busy, a True Blue Production.  Best Picture:    (oh, oh, oh)   Bellum Maximus!!!  Yeah, we won!   The fam got up to accept our golden man, thankfully we didn’t have to give a speech!  And of course while were up there, in front of the audience, the Farmers fought over who gets to hold the statue.  Talk about drama.  The picture below was taken long after the fact, Miss Is wouldn’t budge an inch and let little K.W. hold Oscar.


2 Little Stars copy

*photo by A.M.


The night ended with final awards for all entries and the massive cleanup began.  A hundred folding chairs, garbage sacks full of popcorn now emptied on the floor.  Plastic cups, half eaten Red Vines and mint patty wrappers scattered everywhere.  Props had to be taken down, the red carpet peel up and tossed in the trash and when all was said and done, the lights went off for good on an outstanding ward activity. 





Us girls took time to pose for the camera.  We can’t clean in formals!


Glamor Girls copyLf – Rt:  Moosey, String, Smek, Ity, Sessie, Mitch and some obnoxious girl.  Hey, this wasn’t my idea!

*photo by A.M.


  1. mandbrid said...

    That was AWESOME Stacey! I saw the Erickson's movie on facebook and Lorene told me the night went really well. Looks like so much fun!

  2. The Wright's said...

    Great pics Stacey!! Only one correction. Cayden won best actor, not Casey :) I love reading your blog!!

  3. Broncop3t3 said...

    That was a fun night. You guys looked so glam! I felt like I should have tuned in to Entertainment Tonight to see the highlights. And "Bellum Maximus" was truly the best picture! The battle we all fight.

  4. Emma said...

    Your dress was really cute! The movie was really funny,I loved it. I've never heard of doing that before but it sounds like fun! Who was the one withe the left and right on his feet?

  5. Connie said...

    Miss Is didn't fool me for a minute, chick! I knew she was faking getting woken up, lol......Cute, but I almost and still don't recognize some of them. Better turn around more in church I guess, honey.......

  6. The Gooch Family said...

    Dave sent your movie out to us all a week or so ago. I thought it was fantastic! Way to go! And tell Dev I like his "smile for the camera" shot after his hair is done!

  7. KellyAnne said...

    That. Was. Awesome! I'm so impressed! And you look so great in your dress Stacey!

  8. young family said...

    That was great! You guys are so creative. I love how you put things together. Who's idea was it?

    My blog didn't let me know you had posted for a couple of days so I was behind. Now I am caught up ;)