Sisters In Stitches
On Tuesdays you'll find myself and a lot of other sisters in stitches, quite literally. We started making humanitarian quilts after Thanksgiving and have so far stitched every week since. We've completed four double-sized quilts, two singles, and have six ready to be tied after the holiday break.
It's not very hard work but somehow I've managed to prick my finger on every single one. Blood, sweat, and tears for sure. The kiddos play in the gym and each sister brings a snack to share for lunch. I like to think of it as a playgroup with purpose.
Spending the time with these girls has been a blast, they each bring they're own brand of humor to the group. We can give advice if asked for or vent if needed to a sympathetic ear. I understand the importance behind why the ladies of the past started such groups; stitching friendships along with quilts, binding and tying lives together.
Each of the quilts are made from donated fabrics. It's usually a mixed bag and we do the best we can. Today I'll be turning in these four quilts to the Humanitarian Center in Boise just in time for Christmas.
December 26, 2007 at 12:36 PM
Wow, every tuesday! I'm impressed, there must be a lot of donated fabric. Who pieces them together? Who binds them? You are making me jealous I want to sit around and visit and stitch. Looks like a lot of fun.
December 27, 2007 at 9:24 AM
I get the fabric in 'sets' from the Boise Humanitarian Center at the D.I. Sometimes there is enough fabric and others not. For the 'Americana' quilt, the easiest way for me to finish it was buying a red, queen-sized top sheet. I'm working on a 'Celtic' quilt that is missing about 1/2 a yard of yellow fabric.
Whomever pieces the quilts together names them. So far I've pieced four baby quilts (was supposed to be a queen, but couldn't let myself piece together Peter Rabbit and pink plaid for a grown-up quilt), two queens, and two twins. Names make it easier to keep track of what we've done and what still needs to be done. There are a couple of gals that do the binding. I haven't learned how to do that yet and I enjoy the creative aspect of piecing it together.
I'm sure that when the weather is better, we'll have to knock it down to once or twice a month. Right now with it being so cold, it's nice to 'get out' and let the younger kiddos burn some energy.