Over the Hills and Through the Woods
This year we celebrated Thanksgiving early with the McCoy's. Mom usually works on Thanksgiving day so in an effort to beat both the snow and the schedule, the turkey was stuffed on the 11th of November.While we waited for the bird to pop, my sister Mindy introduced us to 'Little Bit'.
The kiddos had so much fun and waited impatiently for their turn to ride. At least Little Bit was patient and took the all chaos in stride.
The smell of the alfalfa, the aged leather of the saddle, and horsehair brought back a flood of teenage memories and the times I spent mucking out stalls and riding Frosty. It had been years since I had groomed or saddled a horse and despite the lack of practice, Little Bit was ready to go in no time.
By six o'clock that night, everyone was stuffed with all the comfort food Thanksgiving dinner provides. Pumpkin pie was just an afterthought. The next morning we got up, packed and started back home. Eighteen hours of driving in forty-eight hours time, it was a quick visit to say the least. WDoT reported snow at 3,000' and with Chinook pass at nearly 5,500' we opted for Snoqualmie Pass to the north which topped out at 3,200'. The kiddos were excited to see the snow and faked an emergency potty stop just over the summit for the chance to touch it.
November 23, 2007 at 9:55 PM
I'm totally jealous that you got to be with your Mom for early Thanksgiving. I bet you had a lot of fun. Cute pictures, it's amazing how everyone loves horses. I love to look at them :)