Monday, March 17, 2025

Birthday Pictures





I was able to catch Miss Is and D.J. for some quick pictures.  There was a break in the rain, so I took advantage of what blue there was as fast a possible.


My D.J. all business; serious to the core when it comes to taking pictures. 


DJ Shed 24 edit Blog DJ Shed 32 edit Blog DJ Shed 20 edit Blog DJ Shed 35 edit Blog

DJ Shed 44 Blog


Okay, so he isn’t serious all the time!


Miss Is was more than willing to be in front of the camera, she even does her own poses.  Maybe I should be worried about that.


Maddy Balloons Field 7 Edit Blog

All the shots I took in the wheat field were under exposed - darn it, so I have to retake them.  I’ve been making these foofy skirts for the past several weeks when I get a chance to sew to use a props in photography.  They’re fairly simple to make, you just need a lot of tulle and slightly more patience.  More on the skirts in a later post.  I love the pop of red, the fresh green of spring wheat and puffy, moisture laden skies.  It really was just a break in the weather.  Try, try, try some more again.


Maddy Field Wheat Road 7 Blog


Maddy Shed 1 edit Blog

Miss Is afraid that the bees in the trees will sting her.  It took a whole lot of bribery to convince her otherwise.


Maddy Shed Chair 32 Edit Blog

Maddy Shed Chair 38 edit Blog

Maddy Shed Pink 9 edit Blog

Maddy Shed Pink 2 edit Blog

Maddy Shed Pink 27 edit Blog copy


This picture would have been a lot better had I not cut off her legs.  If you can’t tell, she’s worried about falling off the fence. 

Just like her mother, she worries too much!


Maddy Shed Pink End 8 Edit Crp Blog



Now all I need to do is get Devin to cleaned up and in the mood to have his picture taken.  Teenagers – the saga begins.


  1. TammyP said...

    I love these! You are way too hard on yourself. You truly have a gift!

  2. The Wright's said...

    Great Pics!!! It's great that you have such cute models!!