Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Lessons in What Not to Do: Oh Sandra Kay!



Dave and I were bad.  Really bad.  We’ve been planning to kidnap our nieces for the past few years and never quite got up the courage to actually go through with it.  Actually, our crazy-busy teenage nieces never had the time to indulge their old, fuddy-duddy aunt and uncle.  But this year we made the getaway with Miss Sandra strapped in the back of the Yukon.  No, we didn’t bind and gag her though I seriously thought about such restraint for the other three – who shall remain nameless– that we had to take home.  I’m sure she was doubting her decision halfway into the nine and a half hour trek, but she took it like a pro and didn’t bolt at the numerous potty stops along the way.


So what do you do with a teenage girl in the house?  Shopping.  Lots of shopping.  All day long marathon shopping.  Good ol’dollar days at Savers thrift store and Sandra and I were hunting the deals for a new wardrobe.  Name brand clothes, little bitty price tag.  We picked up the basics, those pieces every girl should have in her arsenal.  A nice flirty yet modest black skirt, fitted shirts and jackets, jeans that hugged all the right places – even if you are a beanpole – and shoes to finish off the look.  Let me tell you, she was a trooper.  It couldn’t have been easy to have a shop-happy aunt like me keep tossing this and that into the dressing room at a rapid-fire pace and expect to fulfill the “mommy” duty of having to crack the door to check for color and fit.  In the end, we left with quite a haul and a handful of outfits to mix and match.  Not bad for her first day in Chaos.


The following Monday was the big day!  A nine-thirty Razzle Dazzle appointment for a cut and highlights followed by photographer-wanna-be torture.  Downtown and down in an weedy field the poor girl was poked, prodded and plastered with hairspray to get the “shot”.


Meet Sandra.  She’s seventeen, a senior and the sweetest teenager I know.


S Brickwall 3_11wm


A Gate 5_7wm


A Brickwall 3wm


A Artwall 4_5wm

 A Artwall 4_20wm  A Brickwall 4_4wm


 S Alley_1 2010wm

 S Alley_10wm


S Alley_9wm 

S Artwall 4 2010wm

 A Country Road 8_27wm


H Country Road 8_12wm


  1. Lora said...

    Wow! Nice Pics! She looks awesome!

  2. Connie said...

    She's adorable, sweet looking and you've outdone yourself with those fantastic pix, sugar!!!

  3. Emma said...

    Wow! Those look really good! My favs were #'s 2,3,and 6. But they all look AWESOME thanks to your awesome photographer skills!=)

  4. The Wright's said...

    Your watermark (is that what it's called) turned out great!! I really like it. Oh yeah, and the pics are great as well!! Nice job once again Stacey!!

  5. Stacey said...

    I agree with Tia (or Blaine) I really like your logo. It looks awesome!! That girl is way cute.