Sunday, March 16, 2025

A Memorable Get-Together






A bunch of “us” gathered together at the home of the “M” family for a Memorial Weekend BBQ on Saturday evening.




The Hostess with the Most-est & the Grill Master.


Their home is beautifully decorated in Americana-Chic.  Not just for Memorial Day, but every day!  Very, very cool. 

It inspires me to finally frame and hang the reproduction copies of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence

I’ve been squandering away for the past eight years.



And the food.  The food.  THE FOOD!!  It was so wonderful, every bite of it. 

Broccoli, Fumi, potato and jello salads. Cakes and brownies too!




And the meat… the tri-tip steaks and slow-cooked seasoned pork loins. 

The young, tender chicken grilled to utter perfection.




No, we didn’t eat the fluff-balls.  They’re more like pets than a main course. 

Being the awesome fifth grade teacher that she is, Mrs. “M” hatched the little darlings as part of a class science project.


Everyone ate and had a great time. That is until a family fight broke out between Mrs. “M” and her sister “J”.

Good thing I had my camera handy to document it all just in case.  You never know when a good piece of blackmail will come in handy. 


Apparently, the scuffle began with littl’sis divulging a little too much information.  Of course, it was very entertaining for the rest of us.




Fantastic food, hot chicks and a cat fight.  The “M's” sure know how to party.


  1. young family said...

    Way more fun than what I did (can we say Mall ;))

    Looks like fun and I am glad you didn't eat the little fluff balls ;)

    Jackie thinks you should have eaten them, they are not cute at all to her :)

    Glad you had a fun time!!

  2. ...for all eternity said...

    How fun! We lived a few houses down from the M family and miss them oh no much! Does she blog?? And is that Mrs. DLee herself I spy there? Did you actually get her out of the house?! How fun and I'm ver jealous!!! :)