Monday, March 17, 2025

Lessons in What Not to Do: Bippity-Bubbly-Goo




So I had the opportunity to click away last week and my more-than-willing victims belonged to the P family.  I tried thinking of something fun because heaven knows that even the most well-mannered kids can only say “cheese” and hold a pose so much.  Besides, I personally like capturing them as they are and not so much as I want them to be. 


I brought a few bottles of bubbles that I didn’t hide as well as I should have and before I got my index finger warmed up, the sticky suds were spilled down khaki pants, dress shirts and lovely ties.  Lesson learned, bubbles are better in the bottle until the very, very end.  All’s well that ends well, right? It was a lot of fun and I think there was some success.  Thanks P’s!!


A Peterson 69 J



A Peterson 70 J



A Peterson 59 Jj



A Peterson 62 J


Bubbles Tile 10 x 15 P_2009 Full Frames J


  1. Emma said...

    That last picture thing where all the pictures are around each other like post card, it looks really cool! It all looks really cool and fun!

  2. Broncop3t3 said...

    Wow...those kids sure look great. They must have had a wonderful photographer to motivate them. Heaven knows that they don't look that sophisticated on their own. Way to go!

  3. Connie said...

    Your skills are getting better and better, chick! Love the backgrounds and the bubbles on the foot too.

  4. The Gooch Family said...

    Love the bubble shots! Especially the one with her blowing them at her toes. Too cute! Good job, again!

  5. The Wright's said...

    Okay - The W family is next!! I want to be shot by such a talented photographer!! Nice Job!!! - Tia

  6. Stacey said...

    I am with Willie on this one. Can't wait to have family pics done. YOU ROCK!!!! Great Job. Oh and you too P family, they are cute and I guess you guys had something to do with that.

  7. Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

    Your pictures are amazing...I want to make ones like that...I enjoyed reading your blog today.

    I am still new to the land of blog, but so loving reading others stories. Everyone has a story and so many of them are so touching....
    Hope you will stop by for a visit.

    The May give-away has started and this month there will be 10 winners. I will be blogging from Disney World soon...

  8. Barney Family Blog said...

    You are amazing! What I would give to live near you again. I would LOVE to have you take pics of all my monkeys.

  9. mandbrid said...

    These are beautiful! I can't believe how grown up girl P looks...have I been gone that long? I bet momma P loves these....