Diss’n the Desktop

In our family of nerds, we have a more active computers than members. The kids have their own Jurassic p.c.’s that are virtual tar pits in speed, memory and overall ease of use. Good if you’re five and running Win2000 to play Magic Princess Castle or the old school version of Warcraft or older still, Slay. I’m fearful that their whopping 22” monitors will tumble over and squash them, but that’s another hotly debated subject.

We have our entertainment p.c. in lieu of a cable or dish receiver, Dave has is contracting setup and I have my laptop and a desktop for play- Work, I mean work. Yes, I’m spoiled. I have two and use them both. Wanna make something of it?

His & Mine is a much needed protocol. He says I have “the touch of death” to anything electronic and I fill my drive with worthless junk so much so that it runs “like crap”. I get annoyed with all the trendy, flashy software and the general disorganization of his files. His & Mine keep the peace and one or the other off the couch.

A few days ago Dave sent me a link to a free, downloadable software program. I usually ignore those types of things, I like my status quo and anything different has a tendency to scare and frustrate me if my heart or my head isn’t in it. I peeked and like that grumpy-gus of a sourpuss from Green Eggs and Ham, I plugged my nose and clicked.

All you Mac-Morons (said with affectionate, agape love) get ready to proudly wear your smug. The program is called Rocketdock and mimics Apples desktop functionality. My desk is free and clear of rarely used icons with the exception of one and I’ve hidden the XP taskbar and Rocketdock so I only see them when I want. Is it possible to be addicted to the bubble? Is there some sort of P.C. – Mac Tolerance and Acceptance program? Can we share the good in each of us? Can we bring about technological world peace?

Yeah, I see your smug.

Current Desktop

My current desktop screenshot.


  1. Broncop3t3 said...

    Long live the dock! good to see you embrace the future.

  2. Connie said...

    Smugly commenting........ :-) Yesssssssss!!!!!!!! It's called MacBookPro and I have one with both Windows and Apple running on the same computer! Stick them apples in your pipe and SMOKE that, sweet chick! Hah.....

    Actually, you're not so bad with computers. There's only the 2 of us and 5 computers in this house so we have extra! LOL Oh, Jack just came in and said "plus the 2 outside" in the garage so that's 7 for 2 people.....

    :-)<--------this is me smiling!!!
